Monday, July 20, 2009

Apollo to iPod

It's 40 years since apollo 11 landed on the moon, or not if you're a conspiracy theorist.

How little progress man has made in space since then and despite our perceived advances in technology our iPods and HDTVs, 12 megapixel cameras and DVD recorders are just advancements of technologies that were around 40 years ago.

Think it's cool to download music from the Internet? Kids were downloading music from FM to tape and cassette recorders decades ago. Back then we were better at recycling, returning empty bottles for refunds. Products were built to last, built in obsolescence was yet to come.

So before you celebrate our wonderful achievements consider that in some ways we were as well off and into the bargain were better custodians of our planet in the past. And if that makes you nostalgic then take a trip back in time here.

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